Summer in the Croatan Forest
I spend a good deal of time exploring the Croatan National Forest. In the early Spring, late Fall and Winter it is one of my favorite places to search for photographs. However, in the Summer I rarely visit this huge woodlands. The dense forest growth makes it difficult to find an interesting composition. Heat, humidity and insects makes warm weather visits somewhat daunting. But, as much as I love them, I sometimes need a break from the local beaches of the Crystal Coast. On this warm and humid September morning I decided to make the short drive to the Ferry Road parking area and to explore a bit of the Neusiok trail.
In this image is a view into the forest along the Neusiok Trail a few miles outside of Havelock, North Carolina. Here is a small, relatively clear area allowing a cleaner view into the woods. A fallen log leads the eye into the scene from the lower right-hand corner. Looking east, the early morning sun back-lights the scene as the clearing fades into the dense undergrowth of the pine forest. It is a peaceful, primodial place located only a few short miles from the hustle and bustle of modern life.
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